Friday, July 31, 2009


I ran 18 miles today! Woo hoo!

Friday off of work means a long run and a rest day on Saturday. So this morning I was up early, had a blueberry bagel, and was on the road by about 6:30 a.m. to run White Bear Lake (Minnesota). I decided to run White Bear because I have a 20 mile run there in mid-September. What I thought was going to be a lake run on paths and trails turned out to be about 2 miles of trail and 8+ miles on narrow county roads - not what I expected.

Once I finally found the lake and a place to park that was near part of the paved trail, I set out. But in addition to running conditions that I didn't expect, I didn't know where I was going and had to ask 2 locals 2 separate times if I was going the right way to circle the lake. As a result, I didn't enjoy the run or the sights like I typically do. I like to notice the things I run past like wildlife and plants.

The sum of it turned out ok - I did log my 18 miles, which was my goal. But the next time I need to run that long of a distance I'm going to go elsewhere. It wasn't that that White Bear Lake isn't beautiful - I passed some awesome houses that had small beach huts down by the water and the boat docks. It was very cute and would be a nice area for a shorter walk - but I don't like running 8+ miles on such challenging roads.

About my actual run - I felt pretty good almost the entire way. My right hamstring started to bother me again and would feel worse when I started to run after a walk break - but fairly quickly eased up as I ran for a few minutes. The walk breaks actually helped that because I took longer strides that stretched that muscle just enough. As my long runs get longer, I find periodic walk breaks quite beneficial to my stamina.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Easy Week for Me

Enjoying, and feeling a little guilty about, taking an easier week without a long run. I've been building up my longer runs for the past 4 week and am dialing it back for one wee and letting myself enjoy it.

Besides being part of my training plan, my mind and body needs this. I'm not saying I'm getting bored with training, but it does take a toll on one to be always focused on that next run and ensuring you accomplish what you need to during the week. Life happens along the way too.

So I'll build up my miles for three to four weeks and then take an easier week again. By then I'll be on the final training stretch.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Race Day Tips

Race-Day Secrets - from - I like these and wanted to log them on my blog for us all to read and remember, and get to easily as our race day approaches!
  • The first tip: Realize that no race will ever go as planned. Have this be part of your race strategy, and be prepared to deal with the unexpected.
  • Second tip: You don't have to feel great during the race to have the race of your life. In fact, you could feel bad the entire day and still come up with the race of your dreams. Any negative effect that feeling bad might have on your race will be accentuated by placing importance on having to feel good to race well.
  • Third tip: Eating, drinking and pace are the three most important variables that you can work with to maximize your body's ability to keep going. Reach for those first if you are feeling like you need something extra or that your energy is dipping. Eat a little to get energy, drink a little to make sure you are hydrated and slow your pace down just about a half a percent so you relax for a moment and see if this brings things around.
  • Fourth tip: The most important element overall is going to be your attitude. With a positive attitude miracles can occur. With a negative one, disaster is certain. The catch is that in the midst of going as fast as you can and having your body going into full mutiny over it, a positive attitude can be just about impossible to conjure up. Solution? Think no thoughts. Yes, stop that brain of yours from getting in the way of what you are trained to do. Have no thought. Have you practiced it? Can you do it under pressure? This simple skill will help take you past impossible moments when your logical brain is telling you your goal is way out of reach. It keeps you on track when thoughts would derail your efforts. Simple yet powerful.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Turning the Confidence Corner

I thought it was a bunch of malarky, but confidence in yourself and a positive attitude can propel you farther and farther. A mere few weeks ago, I never thought I'd be able to run more than 10 miles. Yesterday, I ran 16 and felt pretty good doing it.

My sisters repeatedly scolded me for my lack of confidence and fear of long runs. And I was afraid. I'd spend the evening before building up dred about the morning's run. As a result, I didn't fully enjoy the run and appreciate the investment I was making in me.

But yesterday I turned the confidence corner. I ran 16 miles without a walk break and felt fairly strong (if even somewhat sore) to the end. I was in tune with my body and my mind,

I was aware of when I was in the zone and on cruise, or when I was expending energy for a hill or needed to push through fatigue. I was also keyed into how I was feeling mentally - allowing myself to feel good and acknowledge it. That is what helped me turn the confidence corner - I knew I was feeling good and running well and was going to finish without limping or gasping.

Confidence in myself and my ability powered me through 16 miles, and I know it will continue to power me through my training this summer, because it's only going to get more intense.

Never underestimate your own internal power.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Keep Going

I have to keep this in mind when the marathon training gets tough: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." --Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tired = Good

I did it! Thanks to Sarah's encouragement, I ran my longest run this morning - 14.2 miles.

We ran the lakes in Minneapolis. I missed the connection between Calhoun and Lake of the Isles, so we ran Calhoun twice instead of Isles twice. I thought we would have logged more miles then, but we did run more than 14.

The key for me is to start out almost too slow. I finished feeling pretty strong today. If I start too fast, it throws me for the rest of the run.

I had my mind in the game today - I felt confident and knew I could do it. Running with Sarah kept me honest too. I think running with her will be more important that ever as our long runs will now be 15 miles +.

The great news for me, besides finishing the run, was that my knee didn't hurt a bit! Huge news for me and a big confidence booster. I thank Andrew for that because he told me what I needed to do to get better. Now a muscle in the back and outside of my thigh hurts. I need to look up what the muscle is called.

Weather was perfect. Morning is the time to run - particularly these long runs. As the heat returns to Minnesota, I will need to start running my other runs early - even during the week.

We stopped at Mickey D's for sweet tea - boy did THAT hit the spot! I came home and had some lunch, but wasn't feeling so well. These long runs do a number on my insides. As I relax, I feel better.

No run tomorrow. Mads and I are going to hike the nature center. Sunday will be track speed work.

Thanks, Sarah. Today was great!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Big One

Well, the biggest one yet at least. Tomorrow morning Sarah and I are running 14 around the lakes in Minneapolis. I've mapped it out.

I'll get up early to eat breakfast and drink some joe and stretch myself out.

But beginning now, I have to psych myself up - work on my attitude.


I may not be the fastest, but I can do this. (I'm giving myself a hug right now :))